Quote of the Day

Monday, July 20, 2009

Week 20 Results

I am tired. Who else is tired? This is hard work. I am six weeks away from the first year of my weight loss journey. Many people will say that what we have done is incredible, but I still need to do more. I went to the Doctor today for a physical and all of my bloodwork is in better shape than it was when I was much heavier. I really enjoyed that. I haven't had a Diet Coke in three weeks and it is wearing on me, but I am strong and I will do it. I have not lost weight in 12 weeks, what a waste, so much time that I could have been spending trying to do better and I wasted it. As a group we can't seem to get past and stay past the 500 lbs lost mark. I'm not helping because I am not posting everyday. It feels like the last 3 months have all been about the same topic of how we need to do better. In six weeks we will be starting round 3 and everyone will have to decide who wants to be in and who wants to give in. We should make the best of the last 6 weeks of round 2.


Lulaangel7 said...

5 More weeks left.....I have not done my best...but I have not GIVEN UP. I feel so much better than when we started.....I can take a shower and wrap myself up in one single bath towel...(not even the extra large kind....I can get out of bed without having to roll out and struggle to get up...I can sit on the floor with the grandkids and not have to crawl to the couch or a chair to lift myself up from the floor...I can look in the mirror and say....hhmmmm today I am having a skinny day...I have people telling me that I have lost tooooooo much weight and I should stop even though I know in my soul I will lose 20 more pounds...I am stalled but I am not a quitter...I just need to take in less calories or move more..its not rocket science. calories in vs calories out...I am nervous...going for surgery on Monday and will not be able to do much for a few weeks...this scares me ...I DONT WANT TO GAIN all my weight back and hard work lost..so I need you all to post and keep me motivated..will be spending a lot of time here in the next three weeks..
Love you all...thanks for traveling this journey with me...together we can be strong ....and thinner ...and healthier
Love you when I speak but a few words..
Paula Lula Angel

Yvette said...

Congrats to those who lost! And to those who didn't....don't give up! I had a bad week because I was on vacation.I'm not using that as an excuse, because I have to admit that I loved every bite of those forbidden foods. But now my stomach is so messed up! I've had heartburn for a week now, and I can't wait until my stomach settles down. Like Paula, I won't give up! Even though I've been in a bit of a slump for the past 7 weeks, I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!! I feel so much better with those exta pounds off, and I can do so much more than before. So for those of you who are also in a slump, think positive! Don't let the "slump" take over! Take control of your own life and live it healthy!