Quote of the Day

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mental Health Break

Yesterday was a crazy day from hell. As most of you know, our house has been on the market off and on for two years and supposedly under contract for a few months. Well, the bank finally approved the sale and we have a closing date of !August 3rd! So now we are scrambling to try to get our stuff out of the house and just get it closed and move on to the next chapter in our life. I spent all day on the phone with various movers, our realtor and Chris to get it straightened out but at the end of the day, had nothing finalized.

By noon, I couldn't wait to get out of the house and go to the gym. I just needed a break to get my head straight. I finally left the house at 6:50 pm and knew that for my sanity and my family's that I needed to come back in a better frame of mind. Nothing can reboot you like sweating and working your butt off (literally) for an hour. Ten minutes in the steam room helps too! I left the gym in such a great mood and couldn't wait to get home and hang out with my husband.

Exercise has very powerful effects on the brain. It can help you recover from mild depression, improve memory, and actually treat pain. Aerobic exercise causes your brain to release the euphoria inducing chemicals serotonin and endorphin which mask pain and improve depression. Exercise also creates new neurons (brain cells) to improve memory.

So go exercise! It really will make you feel better - a brisk ten minute walk can make a world of difference in how you feel mentally and physically.


Jess said...

I agree! I have been to the gym 3 times this week and it feels great. The gym near me was running a special deal - 12 months for $99. Who can't afford $8.25 per month. Heck that's lunch for just 1 day. So I'm motivate this week. I really notice the difference exercise makes. You'd think it would make you tired but it does just the opposite. I feel like I have so much energy.

Katie said...

Yay! Go Jess! That is an amazing deal. I've been to the gym three times this week so far and am planning to go this afternoon. Yay for energy!