Quote of the Day

Friday, July 24, 2009

Good Health and Well Being......

Don't put off what you can do today to do Tomorrow....
I have waited for 3 or more years to have a small procedure done....not excited about it...but...excited about the outcome....I know that once I heal ....I will feel like a new woman...so why did I wait....I don't have that answer...but now that the day is near , I am a bit nervous......
I will have to stay quiet and calm for two weeks...meaning not lifting...no exercise....not a single walk on the treadmill, bike, or stepper....but watch out once I get the go ahead, all clear.....I am sure that I will feel so much better....so please..not extra comfort food to make me feel better ( LIKE ) chocolate, chips, cashews, pistachio's, candy ( of any sort).....it will be an interesting adventure...I just don't want to undo all that I have done in this past year.....
If you have something bothering you...PLEASE....dont wait like I did...go to the doctor and get it taken care of....
Love you when it is just like resting in a hammock waiting for the wind to rock me to sleep...
Paula Lula Angel :0)

1 comment:

Yvette said...

Good luck tomorrow, and REST afterwards!!! I hope John, Katie, Kris and the rest of the Martin clan take good care of our Lula Angel so that you have a speedy recovery. If there's anything I can do, please let me know! Someone please keep me posted! Love ya!!!!