Quote of the Day

Monday, July 20, 2009

Teensie Roadblock

How are you supposed to "move it, move it" when you have trouble moving?

I pulled a muscle in my lower back yesterday - I bent over to pull something out of my bureau and felt a muscle snap, said, "Oh thats not going to be good," tried to stand up and couldn't straighten my back. Ugh. It was alot better this morning although it did stiffen up alot during the day.

Last Monday, Sally, Paula, and I joined the YMCA in town. I was so proud of myself - I went 5 days, learned how to use the Nautilus machines, and did at 30 min of cardio each time. Then the weekend came...Golden Greek for dinner Friday night, movie theatre for dinner Saturday and two pork chops and caramel creams on Sunday. Even with all the good work I did at the gym, I was up 1 pound for the week.

I wanted to go to the gym today because my back feels better if I move around and I need to turn around my weight gain and stop eating extra food to compensaste for my extra movement. I wasn't sure how much I would be able to do but I wanted to go. I ended up doing 20 minutes on the bike and 30 minutes on the elliptical machine. To my amazement, I feltmuch better while I was moving. As soon as I stopped, I felt my whole back stiffen up again.

I know that most of us have problems that range from aches and pains to debilitating conditions but it is a fact that the more you move and strengthen your muscles, the better your body will feel. Exercise won't heal everything but it will lessen your pain in the long run. I know there are a lot of us that are stalled. Adding a small amount of extra movement to your week can go a long way to kick starting your weight loss.

Add a walk, work in the garden, do some extra cleaning, go up and down the stairs a few extra times. At the very worst, it will not hurt your weight loss efforts. There are only five weeks left in Round 2. Many of you were with us for Round 1 also. Think about where you were on this journey 6 months ago. Think about where you were a year ago. Have you accomplished any of the goals you set when you started?

Don't let the little things get in the way of a better, healthier life.

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