Quote of the Day

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Embarrassing Moment

I have to start by saying why is it the moments that are most embarrassing to us are the moments everyone loves to remind us of and laugh about. I think Pepe Capistrand busts a gut laughing every time he reminisces about the time I walked his dog Kato.
I was 10 years old and happened to be wearing a brand new white outfit. It was the penultimate 80's outfit - white stirrup pants and a white shirt with colorful splotches all over it. I thought it was the coolest. My mom and I went to visit mem and pep and I asked if I could take Kato for a walk. She was just a puppy full of energy and of course I was just a kid. It had rained earlier in the day or the night before. Kato ran and I slipped right into the biggest mud puddle. Of course I walked into the house wailing -- upset that I ruined my new clothes and mad at that dog. My mom and Pepe laughed their heads off. And I had to endure years and years of hearing the story told over and over again.
So, I'm not sure how I can relate this to weight loss another than to say when a dog drags you down pick yourself up and keep on going!


Lulaangel7 said...

Ha ha I remember that sweetie....I did laugh.....but I felt so bad...I was young too and we didnt get much...I had a new outfit ...feel off my skateboard ..hole in the knee...I was hurt...but I was crying because of my ruined pants..they were pink with flowers...silly huh.
Love you with a sheepish grin...

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)