Quote of the Day

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Okay here are 2

These really don't have to do with weight lose but I am sure you will like them... The first on is I think I was about 8 years old and I was at my Aunt Jeannes house and she had made a Ham for supper.. Well either my cousin asked what we were going to have to eat or my mother asked what I ate while I was there( i don't remember which) but I said it was skinless chicken and to this day my aunt still picks on me about it......

Okay the other embarrassing moment was I saw a BFI truck picking up the trash at school.. I was in the 2nd grade came home all exited and told my mom that the FBI was at my school picking up the trash and I was scared.. She laughed so hard and I was mad at her because it was serious business if the FBI is going threw the school trash...'

Again they pick on me for that all the time too..

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