Quote of the Day

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Silly Story......from years way back

years ago ...as always....I was on a diet....well forever Weight Watchers.....and I was great on program...when I was on.....I was on....but when I wanted to cheat....I would sneak cheat....so I am at work...and the vending machine is calling me....so I decide to get some Devil Dogs...love those dry stick to the roof of your mouth cakes...well counted out change....creep into the caf. and buy those tasty little snack cakes....fate would have it....some power stronger than myself did not want me to enjoy those two tiny little bumps of chocoate and cream pleasure.....I found a place where no one would see me ( everyone knew I was on program and would have said, Can you eat those on Weight Watchers ? ) and opened the package.....arrrggghhh. . . no creamy filling.....cakes yes...creamy white filling.....no....oh sigh....at the time I was very disappointed...not only in the fact that the product was defective...but the fact that I had to try to hide to enjoy them...soooo...IF....you find yourself making a poor choice...sit down and enjoy it....eat it slow...savor the flavor ...because food eating in hast and hiding...is usually eating quickly and swallowed whole...

Love you when I had a great day yesterday and want to repeat it today...
Paula Lula Angel

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