Quote of the Day

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

More, more, more

Why is it that after I've fallen off the wagon, it's so hard to get back on? Last week, I gave up on Tuesday when I went to the Harvest with Chris. Wednesday, I went to the Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge. I went to Applebee's for lunch on Thursday and had 4 large slices of pizza for dinner. I bought cookies at the store on Friday. On Saturday, I ate everything in sight - I just couldn't stop. Sunday, I had a big dinner and dessert. Twice. Oh - and wine almost every night.

Monday morning, after realizing that Chris and I gained 8 pounds as a team, I was determined to get my head out of my butt and back in the challenge. Easier said than done. I was craving all the bad foods I love and had certainly eaten enough of last week. I made Chris fight with me because I wanted ice cream. It was not a proud day.

I have found that when I go totally off plan, it will take me a week to fight the cravings. I want those cookies and caramel creams and ice cream and bread. If I give in, the week resets. I have been giving in to temptation for a month and my weight shows it. It may look like I lose but I've been gaining and losing the same 10 pounds for almost 6 weeks. This week, I gave back my 150 milestone. I am tired of seeing the same set of numbers on the scale. I have gotten complacent and I'm not sure how to shake it up. Or I don't really want to.

Chris and I were talking about our collective complacency this weekend. We both feel like we have gotten to a point where we aren't always the fattest people in the room - we're just normal fat people. Clothes look better; day to day living is easy; we can get down on the floor and be able to get back up; one flight of stairs doesn't wind us. Personally, I think I need to go back and evaluate my goals and give myself some new S.M.A.R.T. goals because even though I have not reached my weight goal, I have reached my lifestyle goals.

Where does your complacency lie? What throws you off track? How are you going to shake it up?

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