Quote of the Day

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Week 14 Results

As a team since the beginning of round two we have lost 140 lbs. Since the start of the challenge we have lost 491 lbs. I have to tell you that eating is more fun than losing weight. I am really back to my old habits and the scale is showing it. There were cold cuts in the house, and I must have had at least 20 slices directly from the fridge. I even hid it from everyone! I do not know where my motivation has gone. I want to get it back. I was so fired up when we started. I want to be that fired up again. I am going to try to do at least one post a day and that should keep dieting top of mind. I am not sure how to make it fun again. Right now, it is not fun, I am just unhappy with myself and feel like I am letting people down. Let's do roll call:

Mike & Lisa: Lisa, you did ok, but Mike looks like you are really working for the sub-200 weigh-in. Just so you know, both you AND Lisa are at Challenge Lows. Congrats.

Becky & Greg: All Right!!!!! I know you can do this. This little spark shows you can light a fire. I'm so glad that the nutritionist helped. Let's go for two weeks in a row!

Mom & Dad: See you had a good week. Dad is still covering old ground, and mom you are fighting to get back to where you were six weeks ago. I blame myself because I have to be more motivated too.

Aunt Ann: You are SOOOO close to those big new numbers. Have a good week and you'll be there. Uncle Bob - you've covered this ground before - maybe you can get back to a challenge low.

Mike & Jeanne - Mike, you've been exactly the same weight for 5 weeks, at least you haven't gained. It says a lot that you quit smoking and haven't gained, that is not easy to do.

Fran - Do not be so hard on yourself. You are at a Challenge Low!!!! You are VERY close to some new numbers, keep smiling!

Katie - I will help. I will do one post a day, even if it is a silly small one. I promise.

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