Quote of the Day

Monday, April 27, 2009

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Why are you hear? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to look better? How much weight? Better in what way? Are you interested in being more healthy? How much more healthy? Is it a BMI target? Waist measurement? Blood Pressure? Sugar? Resting Pulse? Arm Diameter? Do you want to run faster or longer? How about sleep better?

There are so many reasons to eat healthy and to lose weight. You have to determine which one you want. If you simply answer yes to all of the questions above then it is no wonder you aren't moving forward.

Your weight is more than a number on a scale, it is an indicator of so many other things. Weight loss is not a goal unto itself however, you lose weight for other reasons. What is your reason? What is your Goal?

You need to set S.M.A.R.T. Goals. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. So, what does that mean?

Specific = I want to lose 18 lbs, or do 15 situps, or wear a size 8 dress, lower my blood pressure, or bench press 150 lbs, or run a mile in 7 minutes. These are specific goals. Things like, I want to lose weight, do more situps, look good in a dress, be more healthy, be stronger, or run faster are not specific enough. They may be what you want, but how will you know how close you are, if you are not specific in your goal.

Measureable = You could choose as a goal something that can be measured. What this means is, I want to lose 18 pounds. The 18 is specific and the pounds make it measurable. You could say, I want the density of my biceps to increase by 31.67%, well that it sure as heck specific, but there's just no way to measure it, unless you're willing to a) have an autopsy or b) give a muscle graft, and actually two because, they need a beginning and end point. You need to be able to measure your progress towards your goal. If your goal is to lower your blood pressure, then you need a blood pressure monitor. If your goal is to walk 10,000 steps a day, then you need a pedometer, or you could count out loud all day and make those around you very nervous.

Attainable = I want to weigh 99 lbs. I am a 6 foot tall man, who goes to the gym and lifts weights, who, at his max, weighed 335 lbs. There is no way I will ever way 99 lbs. How about, I want to run a four minute mile. Ok, it is specific, is measurable, but I have to accept that at 31 years old it is just not in the cards for me. How about, I want to lose 10 lbs. Hey, that one, I can do that one. I want to run an 8 minute mile, it is a stretch for me, but it is doable.

Realistic = To be realistic, a goal must represent an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work. You get to decide if it is realistic or not. Can you lose 100 lbs, yes, is it realistic for YOU is the question. Can you get down to 15 heart beats per minute, nope, you'd be dead.

Timley = You need to create your own sense of urgency. Timely means that it happens in a time frame. I want to lose 1o lbs in 2 weeks. This is timely. You can't say, I want to lose 10 lbs at some point. I want to be able to run an 8 minute mile by June 1st is timely, I want to be able to run an 8 minute mile someday is not.

Have you set SMART goals? How much do you want to lose and by when? How low do you want your cholesterol and by when? How many calories will you eat over what time period?

Here are my SMART goals:

1.) I want to weigh 185 lbs by December 31st, 2009. (That is 8 months and 67 lbs. which is 1.95 lbs per week.)

Specific = 185 lbs. Measurable = yes, I have a scale. Attainable = yes, I could weigh 185 lbs because many men who are 31 weigh 185 lbs. Realistic = yes, I can lose 2 lbs a week because I have lost 2 lbs a week. Timely = yes, it is long term but has a definite timeframe.

2.) I want to run an 8 minute mile by October 1st, 2009. (That is 6 months and 1 minute and 4 seconds off my current time.)

3.) I want to be able to bend over and touch my toes and hold it for 60 seconds by December 31st, 2009.

4.) I want to wear a size 34 waist by December 31st, 2009.

My short term SMART goal is:

I want to weigh 239.9 lbs by June 1st, 2009.

What are your SMART goals?


Yvette said...

Hmmmmmm. Definately food for thought! I think that's what I need....a specific attainable goal. Thanks Chris!

Yvette said...

Still searching for my S.M.A.R.T. goals. Maybe I'll go for inches to lose instead of concentrating on pounds to lose.