Quote of the Day

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Got nothing...

I have been sitting here for ten minutes trying to think of a good theme, or a good story, or something. I have nothing. Nada, zip and zilch. I found the above cartoon and it made me laugh and sad at the same time. Also, for inspiration, here is a cool link to the Biggest Loser's viewer weight loss gallery.

I am complacent and my BMI is still THIRTY FOUR. Anything over 30 is Obese, and I have to weigh 178 lbs to be considered normal weight. Check this out, SEVENTY SIX more pounds to lose is what I have. That's just under what I have already lost and I'm not sure if I can do it. I feel so healthy and so good about myself but there are a ton of people who START at 250 lbs.

We tried the reset. Now I am going to try to quit Diet Coke. I'm not sure if I am ready but I want to try. I am not totally quit yet, but I am off the diet coke in totality after 6:00 PM. I think that this in the long term will help me with my appetite, the size of my stomach, my heart, my bones and my overall feeling of health.

Sorry that this is not inspirational, but it is a post and I am going to try to post once a day, every day. I know I have said that before but this time I mean it. I've also put up a new poll, please vote.

One last thing. When I was a kid, I only ever caught one fish that I remember and I would like to clear the air. I was fishing down the trail with my pole and my bobber. I hooked a fish and reeled it in and I was absolutely shocked and excited that I caught one. I showed it to my brother who was standing there and he said, "Oh my god, you caught a BARRACUDA!!!" I was very young and didn't know, so I went running down the trail to the campsite and I was yelling, "I caught a Barracuda, I caught a Barracuda!" Here is a picture of the kind of fish I caught:

This is a picture of a real Barracuda. Obviously, I was mistaken.

To this day my family makes fun of me and I truly believe that the memory of the embarrassment made it hard for me to want to fish. I now have discovered fishing again and I don't care that when I was 8 years old I didn't know what a Pickrel was, so there, take that. Lastly, it was JERRY who told me it was a Barracuda, so I blame him. Your assignment is to blog about an embarrassing story from a long time ago that you just can't seem to forget.

1 comment:

Jess said...

A pickerel does look a lot like a barracuda to me. :o)