Quote of the Day

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Busy Bees

We had a very busy week and weekend here at Chez Martin - getting ready for Shelly's baby shower and Nathan's baptism. There was lots of shopping and planning and even more food and cooking. I felt like I was too busy to eat right but I know this is just an excuse.

Both parties had plenty of healthy options and nothing forced me to eat pizza the day before or Chinese food two days before that. I know I didn't need three cheeseburgers or two big pieces of cake today. I ate real cheese this weekend for the first time in eight months and man was it good. But it is my undoing at 60 calories a slice - I can not stop myself. And once I tripped yesterday, I just kept falling down the rabbit hole. I told myself the week was a wash anyways so I might as well enjoy the rest of the weekend.

As we were standing around the kitchen eating this afternoon, I suggested that this week be a bye - not only because we all ate with reckless abandon but my scale needs new batteries. No really. It does! Anyways, all the dieters seemed to nod and mumble in agreement until Jessica spoke up and said no way! She wanted to take responsibility for her actions and inaction this week.

Way to go Jess!! You made me really think about my week and what I did and did not do. There is no reason to not own up to it. We should not rationalize our poor decision making. I hope that all of you made some better decisions than I did this week and, if not, I hope next week you feel empowered to do good things for yourself!


Yvette said...

It was certainly a wake up call for me this morning when I got on the scale! It just proves how easy it is to gain the pounds I worked so hard to get off!!! Was it worth it?!?!? NO!!!!!!!!!!! Back to the old grind today.

Jess said...

Awww Katie. Thanks. When I used to go to weight watchers my leader used to say, "if you had a bad week you need the meeting, if you had a good week the meeting needs you." We all need to be in this together to help each other up when we fall and to cheer when do well. I'm in this all the way whether the scale says something positive or not. I'm going to keep on going!

By the way, I don't get to see everyone as often as you all do and I must say we all look great. Good job to everyone!