Quote of the Day

Monday, May 18, 2009

Week 11 Results

Hi Everyone. I'm sorry to say that Angie has decided to leave the challenge. I want her to know that if she wants to come back, I've saved the data and she is welcome at any time. I let Angie down because I made it hard for her to stay. I feel pretty bad about that. I only want everyone to do well, I do not want to make people feel bad. I only know how to motivate one way, and I try to do it the way that I think I need it.

I'm a bit overzealous, its not a simple thing to deal with. It's made it very hard for me at many times to get along with other people. It makes people dislike me fiercely, to the point of complaining about me all the time to everyone else that will listen. Think about that, being so intense and so insensitive, that a person who lives in California, on a different coastline, hates your guts.

Worst off, a lot of the time, you are right and things get done and your boss is happy.

So, now you want to lose weight and you feel all alone. You've tried a bunch of ways to motivate yourself and you've always failed. You try to blame others, you try to so it wasn't the right time, or it was ok because. It was never ok and it was never out of your control. You want to help yourself and your wife to be healthy. You're afraid.

If you were me, you'd reach out to your family and to people you care about. You'd make it a big crowd and invite everyone. You'd try to set it up so we could all talk. You'd feel like we were getting closer. Then you are home and you get to see these people and instead of being a email or a post, you get to be there, to help. You try to stay good yourself and try to point out to help others. You tell them directly. You tell them and you hurt their feelings. The problem is, until you know, you don't know that you did it. YOU LITERALLY DON'T KNOW THAT WHAT YOU SAID HURT SOMEBODY ELSE'S FEELINGS. You don't even take strong hints.

Angie, I am sorry that I let you down, because it was my job to keep you motivated and I couldn't do that. I work hard, and often, to try to be more understanding of how somebody is feeling and it doesn't come to me naturally. If you want to come back you can, and if you don't, then that's ok too.

I hope the team, and I, do better next week. I have lost my motivation, and if I were somebody else, I would be calling myself out. I have not lost weight in 5 weeks. For five weeks I have let myself down. For five weeks I was the pot calling the kettle black.
I will do better for all of you.

1 comment:

Yvette said...

Tough week for most of us! Congrats to Paula, John, Becky and Greg!! I know this isn't an excuse, but we're all "imperfect" creatures. We all have our downfalls, but like Paula said, as long as we keep trying, and don't give up the fight, we're still in the race.
As for Angie, I'm sorry to see you leave us. Sometimes people unintentionaly do and say things that hurt us, but try not to hold a grudge. You'll only hurt yourself. Family is everything to me, and I know what it's like to be separated from someone I love. I'm not able to see my only granddaughter because her father hates me. Please don't separate yourself from a family that loves you! Life is too short! Sometimes you have to "forgive and forget"
You can all tell me to mind my own business, but I had to say what's in my heart.
Hope everyone has a great week!!!