Quote of the Day

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Road Not Taken

What happens when you lose your way and give up dieting?

We all get to this point and are forced to make a decision - even if it is subconscious. We must either give up all the hard work we've done or re-evaluate our path and continue doing what is right.

What makes us fall off our diets? Do we start with just one cheat and can't stop? Do we have a bad day and try to find something to fill the hole? Do we lose our willpower? Can we not count on the one who helps us stay strong?

Whatever our reasons, and I know I have felt all of them, they are the easy way out. Doing the right thing is always more difficult. Again with the cliches but, if it were easy, everyone would do it.

Think back to what made you want to lose weight in the first place. Did you want to be thinner? Live longer? Wear nicer clothes? Feel better about yourself? Run faster? Lift more weight? Lower your blood pressure? Reduce your risk of disease? You should think about your reasons everytime you find yourself veering off the path. Think about how you will feel when you fail to meet your goal, once again. The trick is - do not let these feelings drag you down. Let them empower you! You are more than the sum of your past losses. You are all strong, passionate, determined individuals. We can all overcome our missteps. Make the difficult choice and let this journey change your life! That is what you wanted in the first place.

1 comment:

Yvette said...

Thank you Katie! You gave me a simple but great idea! When I quit smoking, I made a list of all reasons why I wanted to quit. I had a copy on my refrigerater, a copy in my purse, one at my desk at work, and one on the coffee table in my living room. Every time I got the urge to have a cigarette, I read that list, and it helped me ALOT!!! Unfortunately I substituted food for cigarettes, and gained 30 pounds! If I was able to quit smoking (and I still have that urge to light up, even after 4 1/2 years), I know I can continue with this challenge! I'm going to make another list of all the reasons why I need to eat healthy, and read it every time I feel like buying that bag of chips, or chocolate chip cookie dough ice scream (wimper!!!). I WILL LIVE A HEALTHIER LIFE AND FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT!!!!