Quote of the Day

Monday, May 4, 2009


What happens when you can't find your motivation to lose weight? Where do you turn for inspiration when you can not inspire yourself?

For the past three weeks, I have just been coasting along. I start the week in a positive frame of mind and I make a couple of bad choices and then let it drag me down. I have still lost weight each week but I definitely don't deserve it. I have not felt inspiredor motivated, have not wanted to exercise, and have settled into a rut.

I need to change my bad behaviors. If I don't stop what I'm doing, I will gain back everything that I have lost and that is the last thing I want. I have worked so hard to get where I am and I know that I still have a long way to go. I'm not ready to give up. It is very easy to make changes that affect us physically - the difficult part is changing how you think and feel. For example, it is very easy to take Xenadrine, use Nutrisystem, or even get gastric bypass surgery. But what happens when you stop taking the diet pills, or stop eating the pre-prepared food, or continue eating as much as you used to after the surgery?

We all find our inspiration from various sources but the only true place you can find it is in yourself. We all possess the ability to do amazing things for others - why can't we do it for ourselves?

Empower yourself! You are stronger than you believe you are!

Take a few minutes, click on the link below and let the words sink in. I could paraphrase them here but you need to take the time to really think about them (and I would not be as eloquent).

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