Quote of the Day

Monday, May 4, 2009

Week 9 Results

I gained and I hate myself.

My mom is at her lowest of the challenge. She lost 3.5 lbs this week. She got new numbers. It is very important for her to be good this week to keep the loss and continue her journey down to the next decade.

Dad, you stink, just like me. Work harder.

Katie, every week you amaze me. You have now lost more than 1/3 of your original weight. You are only 2/3rd's the person, which means for every pound I love you 1.5151515151515151 times more. (ugh, we're the only ones that will laugh at that)

Becky & Greg. Where o'where have the Bussiere's gone, o'where o'where can they be?

Aunt Jeanne, you've lost two weeks in the row. This is only the second time since we've started that you have done that. Welcome to the Challenge. Mike, it is hard to quit smoking and lose weight. Not sure what advice I can give. Eating a bit more is better than smoking. Focus on the not smoking and maybe add some more exercise, that should help.

Yvette you are .6 away from your goal, again. Remember, we are not on a diet. If it is a diet, then you can't maintain later. Its not like you get your goal and you are done. Takes work forever. Weigh yourself everyday, set a limit for yourself. If I am up XYZ lbs then I have to get back down to 130. Don't overreact over a pound or two.

All right Aunt Eva! You are back to your challenge low, you slipped up for a few weeks, but I think you found your stride again. No bread. Focus on making good choices and the weight will come off! Sally, ok, you've stopped the ballooning, time to focus on letting the air out. You can do this.

Jessica, the vending machine does not talk. It cannot be reasoned with. It has no heart. It will not deny you the food. You can't convince it. It will never help you. All that lives there is the pain and misery of knowing you ate a chocolate bar. BRING A SNACK TO WORK! If you MUST go to the vending machine, if you can't possibly bear not going, eat PRETZELS. They have a lot of carbs and a ton of salt, but in comparison to EVERYTHING ELSE in the machine, they are your best bet. Chips, Candy Bars, Cheez-Its (yum), Doritos, etc. are horrible. Serge, good loss, you are at your Challenge low.

Aunt Ann, you are right, you are so close to the big barrier. Keep going. Remember, you are REWARDING yourself when you refuse to eat something that is not good for you. Your reward is your health. Uncle Bob, nice loss, one more pound and you'll be back to your Challenge low.

Mike & Lisa you had a decent week. Its time to get serious. You probably need to use more Wii!

Fran, you have lost 6% of your body in nine weeks, that is just incredible.

Bart. nobody likes you this week.

1 comment:

Yvette said...

Well, overall, it was a better week than the previous week. More people lost weight, and the total weight loss was higher. But alot of us are slacking off!!! Watch The Biggest Loser tonight. Maybe it'll motivate you to do better this week! My goal for this week is to get back to my original goal of 130......I'm taking baby steps, but baby steps are better than going backwards!