Quote of the Day

Monday, March 30, 2009

Week 4 Results

The weight loss challenge does make Monday's interesting, doesn't it? It is a new week, there's a new chance to have a great week in front of you. There is the anticipation of how well you did in the prior week. All new and all old at the same time. So Michael M had a fantastic week last week, and soon he may PASS Lisa, so, as a team they have done very well, but I think Lisa will need to step up her game soon. I gained this week, so I made Katie's overall worse. Mom and Dad both lost,but Dad won't give up his foot long grinders. Fran lost again and she is in the lead for Round 2 of the contest. Yvette made it to goal, but wants to continue a bit more. Aunt Eva is down 8 lbs from the start of the contest (Sally still eats take-out, BLAH.) I think Becky and Greg have quit because they never weigh in. Jess and Serge weigh in, but all they are doing is trying to see how high the scale goes. Aunt Ann's Florida trip set her back some, but she'll recover I am sure. There are new rules in the house this week about feeding Bart, cause he has gained three weeks in a row. Good luck to all this week.


Jess said...

Congratulations Yvette on making it to goal!!!! Do you have "before" and "after" pictures. I'd love to see the "new you."

Yvette said...

Thanks Jess. I'll have to see if I can find a "before" picture, and I'll have someone take a picture of me now. I'm still not at the weight I was 4 years ago, so I'm going to try to lose 5 more pounds. It's been difficult, but also fun at the same time, thanks to the Martin clan!