Quote of the Day

Friday, March 27, 2009

How to...

There are couple competitors out there wondering how to keep their weight loss through the weekend.

Listen closely...it's a secret...ssshhhhhhhh.........


Decide that you want to have a good week and just have one! Have the willpower to go to the grocery store and resist the Easter candy. You don't need three breakfasts on Sunday. You don't need to have 5 drinks - just have 2. Make healthy substitutions when making dinner - use Pam instead of butter to cook with; cut out the extra salt; have a light, low-cal salad dressing; read those nutrition labels; enjoy the beautiful weather and go for a nice long walk.

Make the decision to have a good diet week and do it. We all know how, it's just the execution we struggle with. We are all about "just deciding" around here. Don't give in to temptation!

We've done it before - let's do it again! Have a great weekend, not a "WEAK-end" as Lula says.

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