Quote of the Day

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Don't assume anything !!! Like...

... I ate a piece of cake so if I walk an extra mile or if I do 10 more push ups.....I will use up those extra calories.

... I cheated on Tuesday so I have plenty of time to get back down to my Monday weight or even less

... I made a poor choice...but I will eat salad for dinner to make up for it.

... I was down a few pounds on Thursday so it will be okay to cheat today, I have pounds to play with.

It is really funny how we can always talk ourselves into trouble and reason with our minds that we are making wise choices , when deep inside we know that we are only hurting ourselves. This is a life style change and if you want those extra treats, have them , BUT , count them, don't assume that if you don't write them down, or remember that you ate them, they will not add calories to your daily intake so look and see what the caloric count is....see if you can only eat half, get a friend to share with you....and enjoy every single bite....we often tend to inhale food that we know is not quite the right choice and if we EAT IT FAST no one can take it away....I am not sure that I am making any sense , but I just wanted to share my thoughts....

Way to go team for this week, lets see if we can do better next week...congrats to Yvette to getting to her goal...don't go away, we need your input and inspiration.

Love and Peace,
Paula Lula Angel :0)

What are the things that you Assume ????

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