Hi gang! How's 2015 going for you? It looks like a lot of user having a rough start, kind of going backwards. I know I am.
Personally, I've felt like I don't want my vacation to end. I start school again this week and I think this will be the kick in the ass I need. Although being back in school presents different problems - when Im commuting back and forth to Worcester during breakfast and lunch, drive-thru is a huuuuuuuge temptation that I have given in to much to frequently in the past. My plan is to plan ahead, bring breakfast with me - a yogurt with granola and coffee, and then bring a snack with me for the drive home - a piece of fruit, and plan on eating lunch when I get home. Im pretty good at planning ahead for dinner, I just need to do it.
For me, not giving in to the easy possibility, i.e. being lazy, is when I make bad food choices. I need to be strong. I will be strong this week!
On to results:
Chris won the week!! Good job babe! Chris is competing in a weight loss challenge at work too; their prize is $2000. Great motivation to win and his motivation is definitely inspiring, and to be honest, a little shaming. Either way, it works for me.
Angie lost her motivation this week. I know its hard, Ange, when you're stressed and feel overwhelmed. My first instinct is always to eat because, hey, I deserve it. But I also deserve to be healthy and I need to love myself enough to make good choices. And you deserve to be healthy too.
Good luck this week all!!
I know that I am hungry...not really physical hunger but I eat to procrastinate...not sure how to spell that ...but if I have a job that I need to do and I don't really want to do it..I go to the cabinet or the fridge instead...so for this week that is what I am going to work on...have a great week everyone
So I was looking in the mirror this morning after my shower...I know ...I know...we are supposed to find something we like about ourself...but I am scared...I have been watching my 600 lb life and I don't like the way my knees look...I have seemed to gain a lot of my weight in my legs....so the knees really scare me....so that is where I am going to focus for my weight loss and start by measuring my knees....do you think I am crazy..... ??? Love you all and don't give up !!!!!
So I was thinking...this could be dangerous.....but I printed out a chart and I am going to record my measurements...wont be nice today....(or tomorrow morning) but it will be a visual and I am all about the visual....so here goes to a great week...love you all ...hugs....here is to a happy heaping measurement..... :0)
oh yeah..will do this for 10 weeks
238 for me. Lots of changes this week...there is a saying , not sure how it goes....but if you do the same things, the same way, you will get the same results...so what is it that you are going to do that is different this week..."Shake it Up" ....here comes the snow.....maybe built a snowman ???
I am all alone on here.....
You are not alone. I am reading it. I didn't have a great week this week and I need to have great weeks every week. I have been stuck at roughly my current weight for months. Boo.
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