Quote of the Day

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Weak Will... Part 10,000

I ate my lunch and I am sitting here. I am not hungry at all, but I don't feel like really doing anything, so I want to go and grab a snack or go walk around and check in with people to see if they have candy in their office.

It is always hardest to make good food decisions when we have low energy. If we aren't feeling great about ourselves, or are feeling a bit down, it gets even tougher.

I won't go and find candy - I came here instead. I do know that I am tired and in pain today. I am always in pain before it a big storm. I am dreading going home tonight because I promised myself that I would at LEAST do some Just Dance - if I wasn't going to do my NFL workout.

So, in short, I am sitting here with very little energy, feeling sorry for myself, feeling a bit down. I am tired and I am in pain and I want to eat candy.

The conversation I am having with myself now is that I will not go eat candy, nor will I look in the kitchen for leftovers and if I can do that, then I don't have to exercise tonight. That is a terrible compromise.

It is hard to find the will power to do the right things for ourselves. I will not be weak willed today. I may not exercise tonight, but I WILL NOT eat something because frankly, I am really not hungry anyway.

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