Quote of the Day

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Steps, Steps, Steps

So, at work we are having a contest as a Management team. We all bought pedometers and we are competing to see who can have the most steps in a month. At first I thought I had a shot and then I saw the results last week. I am the heaviest member of the management team and surprise, surprise, I had the least steps by far during practice week. One guy had 12,000 steps per day!!! I don't know how I will compete, but I do know that I need to figure out something. Maybe I will dust off the treadmill and at least walk for 20 minutes - that should be easy to do. How will you get 10,000 steps a day?


Jessica said...

you shake the pedometer in you hand while you're watching tv.

Lulaangel7 said...

I need to get a perdomiter ...mine has broken ..will get one this weekend...if I wear one ..I stive for the 10000 steps...if I dont wear one....I dont even try to do extra steps...its just the way it is ..you need to be accountable...
Love you with a little spring in my step.....
Paula Lula Angel