Quote of the Day

Monday, January 3, 2011

My New Year...

Here we are at the beginning of a new year. The new year is very exciting, it is like the start of a sports season or when you do your budget for work. We'll beat every team! We'll hit every number. Our spending will be under control, our sales will be high. We'll score 50 points a game. No team will be able to touch us. Our competitors will have to close shop because we are so effective.
These things sound a bit silly at the end of the year when you have lost 6 games, or didn't make the playoffs, or you are chasing $50k of sales to get out the door to have a chance to get a small bonus.
The same is true of diets. No, you won't go to the gym everyday and you will probably falter. The question is, can you continue to try your hardest, and really try your hardest. Here is my list of things that I want this year, in no particular order:
I want to realize that when I eat unhealthy food and feel like I am rewarding myself that I am really punishing myself.
I want to realize that just because I am not paying for the food that it doesn't come without a price.
I want to be strong again so I won't complain about moving a television.
I want my pants to fit more comfortably and I don't want to have to buy new ones to make this happen.
I want to be able to walk up the stairs at work and not be so winded.
I want the people around me to care enough about me to tell me not to eat something that I don't need, and to forgive me for being angry about it.
I want to get off of the statin that I went on this year because I couldn't control what I put in my mouth.
I want to not feel do bad looking at my dog and realizing that he had a better year than I did, because I should be happy for him instead.
I want to post everyday and just like beating every team, or destroying the competition, it may not happen, but if I miss a day I want to try not to give up.

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