Quote of the Day

Monday, September 7, 2009

My personal inspiration

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to share a little bit about my personal journey of weightloss and the motivation and inspiration behind my reason weight loss of 70+ lbs.
Anyone who knows me can tell you that I had no idea how big I had become. One day I just woke up and realized I needed to change the lifestyle that I had become so used to. A lifestyle of self abuse and binge eating. Food was love to me and I was having the best love affair of my life. But like most love stories mine ended badly and calories and fat have taken over. So I decided to break up w/ my fat and start searching for a new me. Well, the old me in a new way I guess. I did not grow up overweight and truly can't believe how far I have let myself go.
So needless to say my lovely sister Danielle was there to help me. She is a personal trainer and has her own gym and a great understanding of what it is like to being overweight and fight to find a healthier you. Danielle introduced me to the book " ARE YOU READY" by Bob Harper the personal trainer from the biggest loser. Through reading the book I was able to identify w/ my triggers and what brought me to where I had become. I then bought a " COMMITMENT" ring and commited myself to the Bob Harper lifestyle. This has become one of the greatest things I have ever done. I do slip from time to time and have to bring myself back to MY Bob. LOL
If you have never read this book I recommend it and also hope everyone tunes into the newest season of the Biggest Loser on 09/15/09 at 8 PM on NBC. It is very motivating to watch the contestants work so hard. And it is hard to sit on a couch and eat cookies too. I try to excersize while watching the show.
I am going on and on which is so me. But before I end this blog entry I wanted to share a couple of BOBisms with you:
" When you reinforce your commitment to taking care of yourself, you are sending the message to your heart and mind that you are indeed your own best friend."
" You have to forgive yourself for letting yourself get this far and give yourself permission to move ahead."
" Forgiveness is not only the key to weight loss, its the key to living your best life"


amy said...

i am going to make a goal this season to exersize every time the biggest loser is on ill try my best i just hate working out late i have a hard time slepin

Yvette said...

Great words of encouragement! I'll have to get Bob's book.