Quote of the Day

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Do you feel like a Rat in a Cage??

Hi All,
I am posting this email from Amy, as her PC is lagging. DO you feel like a rat in a cage? Doing the same thing all the time?? Well if you want to get out of your cage, meet her and a few new team memebers at West Street School parking lot at 5pm tommrow 9/2/09 for a walk around West Ville Dam..did I spell dam right? ... anyways, it is about a 2 1/2 mile walk, the walk has some small hills but everyone can make it! SO if you want to stop your everyday same ol, meet her at 5pm tommrow, in the West Street School parking lot! She hopes to see you there, laughs and fun will be had for all!


Gwen said...

I will be there my friend.

Beth said...

I would love to be with you all, but I have a Dr. Appt. in Springfield for 4pm and I wont be home until after 6pm, hopefully our leader Christoper Martin ; AKA: JIM JONES can make it , but he works late!I am going to assume Chris knows who Jim Jones WAS!

Katie said...

I am babysitting Leo tomorrow until 4:30ish. Assuming Jay and Shelly are not late coming home from work, I will be there.

amy said...

Ohh good hope you can make it katie

Lulaangel7 said...

I work until 5...but maybe next time ...if you start ar 5:30 ?????

Yvette said...

Wish I could, but already made plans to have dinner at 5:30 with Fran and a friend I haven't gone out with in the past 5 years. Please post if you do it again. Suggestion: 5:30 would be better, as lots of people work until 5:00.
Hope to meet you all soon.

amy said...

i will make it 530 or 600 next time dont worry everyone itll be sooner than u think lol

Gwen said...

Amy and I had an amazing walk you guys. It was nice to get out and do something other than the gym

Katie said...

I felt really badly that I missed you guys! I was 5-10 min late to West St School and didn't see you guys and didn't know what you guys drive. Where did you park? Anyways, I drove over to the dam and parked there and Bart and I did the loop in about 40 min (including his stops to pee on all the trees in the park). It was really good and he was dead tired.

amy said...

Katie im so sorry we missed you we were parked in the back of the school in a tan chevy cavilaiir with 2 obama stickers on the back can i have your cell number so this wont happen again mine is 7742308734 if one of us is running late or something comes up or what ever i guess my walk wasnt well planned anyways qwen and i are planning to go again soon i was thinking about monday at 600 but i know its a holiday that doesnt mean much to me but some of you guys might have plans also if anyone else plans on going please lets exchange our cell number sorry again katie i feel so bad