Quote of the Day

Monday, August 31, 2009

Welcome to Round 3

I cannot believe it has been a year since I started my journey to living healthy. I did not do as well as I wanted to do in Round 2, I only lost 10 lbs. It took me 26 weeks to lose 10 lbs, and that is just pathetic, but we are at a new beginning. We've lost a few people for Round 3 but that's ok. I wish everybody the best on their own way to living better. We've welcomed two new teams. (There is a rumor of a 3rd, but I do not have their data.) I'd like to welcome them to the challenge. This is not a small undertaking, for the next six months you will dread Monday. If you have had a great week, you will weigh in with glee and fire off the email of your fantastic progress. If you have had a bad week, you will put off stepping on the scale and then, at 9 o'clock when the phone rings and you haven't reported in, it will hit home.

There are no rules, except one, be healthy. If you want to lose weight, be healthy. It is simple math, eat less calories then you consume. If you read back in the blog, you'll see all kinds of links to tools to help. If you are hungry, eat, just eat something healthy. Salads are very important, they are filling and have very few calories. Get LIGHT salad dressing, no sense in eating rabbit food if you decide to cover it with mayo. Do NOT starve yourself, it won't work in the long run. Be active, you don't have to join a gym, just go for walks. Be happy about the positive steps you are taking. Be afraid of failure, it helps keep you honest with yourself. My SMART Goal for the round is to lose 52 lbs. That will not put me below 200, but I will be very close. What is your SMART goal?

On to the results for Round 2, highlights first. As a team we lost almost 90 lbs during round 2, but honestly, Katie was 53 of that total. Overall, for those who are still active in the challenge we have lost a combined total of 452 lbs or 11% of our original weight. (This excludes all of those who have decided to leave us for the next round.)

Round 2 goes to the Katie and Chris team, but like I said, it was all Katie. She now weighs less than me for the first time in our relationship. She will never weigh more than me again. Yvette fell off the wagon a bit, but she is such a consistent performer that I am sure she will be right back there in no time at all. Fran had an impressive performance at losing 11.8 lbs for the round, as did Mike & Lisa who lost a toal of 13 lbs. Mom and Dad have some serious adjusting to do for the next round.

One final note, to the new players, please contribute to the blog. You will get an email soon that has instructions on how to post to the blog. If you have trouble, reach out to Katie. The more we share the easier it is for all of us. Nobody knows what is in your head, but we can at least relate because we all have our own nutrition problems. (I didn't say eating, eating doesn't make you fat, eating the wrong stuff in the wrong amounts makes you fat.) Lastly, do not expect to be coddled, this is serious business and the only way for all of us to do well is if you do well. Round 2 may not have been as big as Round 1, but none of us are worse off for it. Congrats to all and good luck on Round 3.


Gwen said...

Chris and Katie,
I am so excited to join your challenge this round. I recently lost 76lbs but fell off the wagon a bit. Being part of this challenge will give me the accountablility that I need to lose more weight. Glad to be part of something great

Beth said...

Thank you Chris and Katie for inviting us to join you and your journey to happiness. Last night (night 1, I called it) was a night with out sleep. I layed in my bed tossing and turning with thoughts of worry and excitment in my head. When I woke early I started reading all the past blogs on this blog thingy (I am new to the world of blogging) and I came across this:


this hit home to me and has allot of meaning that I think many can relate, if not should relate too. I recommend to the newbies to read this and for the old timers in the challenge, I recommend that you all re-read this. I wish eveyone the very best. Lots of love, Beth