Quote of the Day

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Week 21 Results

Well... I can tell you that I am really tired of chasing people for their weigh-ins. I don't know. We only have 5 more weeks left in Round 2. I'd hope that for Round 3 people who do not want to weigh in and who are not motivated would just opt out of the game. I want everyone to stay because many of us need to, but I don't want to force anybody.

We've passed 500 lbs as a team and I couldn't be more proud of those who have lost. I am going to use Mike Martin as my inspiration. He started out just a bit below where I am and has lost a lot, so I need to pretend I am just starting out.


Yvette said...

Congrats to all!!! I'm very ashamed to be the only one that gained this week. I'm trying to get out of this slump I've been in for 2 months. I'm sure most of you understand why I'm in a slump, but it's still no excuse! I will definately try harder this week....no more ice cream or potato chips!!! And lots of fresh veggies and fruits!

Katie said...

Yvette - please don't be ashamed! You have come so far and were actually one of the few that reported their weight this week. All the zeros on the chart are from non-reports.

I am so proud of you that you are still in this and trying after everything that the past few months have held. Try going to Paolettis or Morses this week and stocking up on some great, fresh, locally grown fruits and veggies. I swear they taste better when they come from a farm stand and the prices are better that grocery stores!

Angie said...

Sorry I forgot to weigh this monday... I had alot on my mind and when katie called me on tuesday to ask if I was weighing I thought it was monday that day so I am sorry and will try not to let it happen again....