Quote of the Day

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Shake it up !!!!

Myself, Katie and Sally went to the Y.M.C.A. last night for a tour and a free pass for the evening. They are very determined to "Shake up " things and keep on moving down the weight loss pass. And take me along with them...though I must admit....I did like the stationary bike....it has a computer screen on it and you can peddle your butt all around the world...also ..you log in and you can race yourself...so this is interesting....I will try to keep you posted on our progress...we only did a 30 minute workout ....but....there are classes that we want to try...so we will be getting a membership soon.
Love you when you just got to Move it , Move it. :0)

1 comment:

Katie said...

I've done 30+ min on the elliptical machine the past two night and tonight is the "Butts and Gutts" class. Woohoo!