Quote of the Day

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

On Spinning and More...

So, we are almost at 500 lbs lost, 497.2 lbs lost to be exact and this is the 421st post to the blog. What a journey it has been, and it is so sad to think that round 2 is almost over. As you have all probably figured out, there is no money for winning round 2, simply because we haven't collected any and I don't think it'd be fair for Katie and I to take anybody's money. I cannot seem to get below the 250 mark. This week is suppossed to be the week I get below 250 and stay there and I am working hard at it. I have decided to change up a bunch of things to really push the buttons on my weight loss.

1.) I have eliminated Diet Coke and Caffiene Free Diet Coke. No more Diet Coke addiction for me. I have read that even drinking a lot of calorie free soda keeps you from losing weight. It does keep you from drinking water which we know is good for weight loss, so now I am drinking more of that. I drink Seltzer and Water, no calories, no Aspartame, and frankly, no flavor. I am doing ok at it, but I still miss the diet coke a lot. I'd love to go get one right now.

2.) I have decided that I eat way too many carbs. I go to the gym regularly and do either some type of cardio (tread mill, stair master) or lift weights (mostly machines but sometimes free weights.) I was really sore the other day and this big guy at the gym told me that I was sore because I did not eat enough protein, and then I read about it. I have to eat 200 grams of protein a day, which seems like a lot, to put it in perspective, one egg only has 6 grams of protein. Imagine eating 33 eggs? So, it is low carb (not no carb) and high protein for me.

3.) I am trying to add spinning to my cardio workouts. A single 45 minute spinning class burns between 600 and 800 calories depending on how hard you push yourself. If you do that 3 times a week then you've burned more than 1/2 a lb. That is much harder to get on the treadmill or stairmaster, plus it is more fun and it goes by a lot faster. My feet are a bit big for the holders on the pedals, so it does hurt a bit, but maybe that gets better in time.

4.) I am trying to get more sleep and have a better set schedule. I want to be at work at the same time and try to leave as close to 5 as possible. Bed not a second later than 11 and hopefully by 10:30. I'm hoping that more sleep and consistency combined with no caffiene will make a healthier me.

So, these are the things I am doing to try to ramp up my weight loss. So far this week it is not working. I was 251 on Monday and I was 254 this morning. When I lift for some reason the next day I am always up 2 or 3 lbs, but I am not sure what is happening. I did slip up yesterday and ate a wrap (ugh, I ate THREE half wraps) from the kitchen. I did workout on Monday, Tuesday and today. I will try to go again tomorrow. If the method of exercising almost every day, not drinking soda and not cheating doesn't get my diet moving, then I am not sure what will.

Bread is bad. Chinese food is delicious but has too many carbs. Pizza doesn't exist, except when-you're-desperate-to-cheat-and-want-to-be-bad-and-then-you-eat-it-and-feel-guilty-and-so-you-get-depressed-and-want-to-eat-more.

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