Quote of the Day

Monday, June 29, 2009

Week 17 Results

Today I did a 45 minute spinning class at the gym. This is an incredible workout. First you get on this bike looking thing and then a crazy dude starts yelling at you to peddle harder. Then there are the up-downs and the climbs and the cadence and everything else. You sweat like a basketball player. Here's the funny part, before you know it, the 45 minutes are over. That was the best part. Today I am encouraged about my diet. I had two eggs for breakfast with a diet english muffin and light butter. I had an antipasto salad for lunch, BUT NO BREAD, and a very sensible pork dinner with boiled potatoes and steamed vegetables. I feel good about my diet today and I feel good about myself because I was able to do 45 minutes.

I do not know how to get remotivated every day, but I have decided to try. I think this is a new phase of dieting, where I have to work harder to stay on track. I am so complacent. I can lift heavy things and I can run a mile. I do not get winded playing with the kids. I go fishing with Mike, which is awesome. Jason and I are going to go fishing tomorrow if the weather is good. I also want to plan a day of fishing with Jonathan and Joshua and Dad. My house is about to sell (I hope!) and we're pretty settled in here. I really like my job and the people I work with. So you see, complacency sets in. I want to lose another 50 pounds and I know I can do, because I have already done it.

Welcome back Angie!!! Now... we've only lost 481 lbs as a team since the beginning and we GAINED versus last week. (Thanks Bart.)

Roll Call:

Aunt Ann & Uncle Bob - You can do better, but this week, you did the best. Focus, Focus, Focus.
Katie - Thank you for always losing for us. It helps me and inspires me.
Angie - Just keep losing a pound a week and one year later you're down 50.
Fran - Slow and Steady wins the race.
Michael & Lisa - Mike, I know you can TASTE the 199.... keep driving.
Aunt Jeanne - WOWOWOWOW... you're on fire... have more weeks with no time!
Everyone Else - You WILL do better this week. It is serious weight loss business time.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I am going to try a lot harder this week to be inspiring. I have been alternating weight loss weeks with gain weeks and while it may look like I'm losing, I'm exactly the same as I was 4 weeks ago.