Quote of the Day

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So WHO still visits here for words of Wisdom ???


I know that I like to come here to see what there is to read to help me on the road to SUCCESS, so who is here with me....I am just curious .....click on the comment section below and tell me that you are here...this is a test ...it is an easy one.....anyone can pass this one....
Oh yeah...how is your week going so far..it is Wednesday and in the old days..
Wednesdays was Prince spaghetti day !! ANTHONY !!!!!!!!

Love you when I am feeling a bit nostalgic
Paula Lula Angel :0)


Lulaangel7 said...

Paula Lula Angel....I am here
My week could be better...I need to drink WATER !!!!!!!!

Jess said...

I'm here. I check in all the time. Maybe I should contribute. Not sure if there's anything I could say to help. I've been stuck in a rut. I have 10 lbs to lose. It's not much but I just don't want to do the work to get it off. I like to eat junk and I find all the excuses I can to not go to the gym. I've considered going back to WW. I used to really like the meetings and the accountability. The vending machine is still my best friend.

Chris said...

I still come here. Somebody has to post the results!

Katie said...

I'm still here too! I used to stop by 3 times a day to see if there was anything new or to post. I'm ashamed to say that I barely check every day now. I'm in a rut too and maybe that is why.

Michael said...

I am here. I am here. By the way, I have had to delve into my old clothes. My size 42 pants are too big. My size 40 pants fit me, but are just a little big. I may have to buy some new clothes before the end of the month. Oh my!!

Jeanne said...

Mike and I are still hanging in there. Sorry not posting as much as I used to but I don't get to sit much lately. Mike's weight is stuck but his pants are having a hard time staying up. He needs to go shopping too.

Yvette said...

I'm still in! But now I need help!!!!!!!! I started stress eating this week, and I'm afraid I'll totally lose control! Someone smack me out of it!!!!PLEASE!!!!
I'm also going to try to get my grandaughter to join our group, if that's okay with evveryone. She's only 14, but very mature for her age. She's probably 40 pounds overweight, and wants very badly to lose weigh. I know Kara can't afford to send her to weight watchers, because she's got enough on her plate right now. So I'm hoping this group will give her incentive.

Lulaangel7 said...

Sounds great , the more the better...if she doesnt want to do it alone...you guys can be a team...Fran and you and Jenessa....however you spell it.... Glad you are here

Love you when I have many a pound to lose....
Paula Lula Angel