Quote of the Day

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Okay.. Katie just said it all.. That's exactly what happen to me a couple of months ago. I got stuck. So I started to not really try or care anymore. I am ready to get back on track. I loved fatten up weekend. But it has to come to an end Monday morning which is good that you decided to do it this weekend because Jerry gets paid Tuesday and I can stock up the house with all healthy foods again. So today I have Combos, chips,Nestle Ice Cream,bacon,white rice, sugared cereal, and other stuff to eat up before tomorrow. Which is good because I am going to feel sick after all that today.So to start off Monday morning I am not only going to start weighing my food instead of estimating( like I have been doing for weeks), Trying to walk more(if the rain would ever stop), and have a more positive attitude that I can do this, I am for the next 2 weeks going to control my intake of starch a day. So anyways what I am trying to say is I would love to come back if you all will have me. And Chris is going to flip when I call with weigh in tomorrow morning.. Its HORRIBLE.. But it will get better...

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