Quote of the Day

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Thank You, and Try Not to be Negative

Thank you Chris for the sincere apology. I just want to say a few things. It was not only you who put me out to the pasture. I once heard "An organized house is a happy house" and I took it to another step and said to myself"An organized life is a happy life". Write now my life , while I Love it, is crazy write now, with Cub Scouts, School till 4:05, Play rehearsal till 6:00, working,Joshua's teeth,Josh starting school next year(4 months), and then normal everyday mom things,cooking,cleaning,homework,laundry etc.,etc.

Then as I sit there one day listening to everyone talk, I come to realize, okay so I had a piece of popcorn, a bread roll, a meatball, a cookie(not all on the same day), but everyone is complaining about what they had bad to eat that day or that week..I start to think okay but does anyone care that for breakfast today mom had a banana and yogurt, and for lunch I had tuna sand. with no mayo on W.W. wheat bread, because I know that tonight I will have something with more calories in it at tea party. So why don't we talk about what we had good to eat. Its almost as if everyone is saying "Oh I will have a small pizza for lunch and then tell them all when I get home and that should justify for me eating it". So what I am trying to say is okay you had pizza for lunch, so don't just tell everyone the bad things you had try to tell everyone the good things you ate all week or that day instead.

As for joining the weight loss challenge again I'm sure I will but not write know.While I think its great to have support, I got in a rut and started thinking why I started to lose weight in the first place, not because the family was doing it, not to try to show people I can do it, not to see who was better at losing weight, I started going on a diet and eating better food in July because my Doctor said that if I don't I will have a heart attack by the time I am 38. I am only 33 yrs. old and already on an aspirin regimen. On an off note I would also like to say that if I seem distant to everyone or very touchy, I am going to see about going to a counselor, Mothers Day hit me harder this year then ever and everyday is getting more and more challenging. Thank you Chris again for the apology and the invite back, and I am sure I will take you up on it. When I don't know but I am sure I will.


Lulaangel7 said...

Ohhhh.....so sweet....our Jeremy.....yeah....I think we all could use some help.....but that is what family is all about..


Love you when I want to get my NAILS done...heheheee.
Grey hairs too !!!!

Yvette said...

So nice to hear from you Angie! Yes, sometimes life really sucks! I can't begin to imagine how it feels to lose a child. So If you need counceling, then go! Don't be embarrassed or ashamed. Sometimes talking to someone who isn't emotionally envolved with you can be an enormous help! You've been through alot, and you deserve to feel better. Good luck to you, and never forget that you have family and friends that love you!