Quote of the Day

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Best of the Best......

Together we can do anything......some things cant be fixed but we can help each other through the hard times...and the good times....the heavy times and the light times....thick or thin...happy or sad.....so lets never forget how special and unique we all are....
Words of Wisdom .....and age...heehehee
When you wake up......
Thank which ever powers that be for another day for the light to shine....
Eat a good Breakfeast.....
Plan to do something nice for yourself this day.....small things add up....
Do something nice for someone else....even a stranger....
hold a door open....
say good morning.....
say Thank you and mean it....
Do be hard on yourself.....Like Angie said....Lets focus on the POSITIVE things that we have been doing for ourselves instead of the NEGATIVE...there is plenty of Negative feed in our lives so we need to focus on the Good...
Reminds me of a song.....Accent the Positive....Eliminate the Negative and Don't Mess with Mr. In between....
Smile......it is contagious....
PS....I need to lose just an ounce to be able to get my nails done this weekend....my own personal little goal......IT CAN BE DONE.... but only by me....with a little help from my friend...
Find something or someone you love and stick to it...
Love you when I hardly ever make sense but talk from my HEART....
Peace, Paula Lula Angel :0)

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