Quote of the Day

Monday, September 1, 2008

Who am I anyway?

This is not a fake picture, that's me, yours truly, white water rafting.

Now make no mistake, I've never been an avid outdoorsman, but at least I was CAPABLE of going whitewater rafting.

Today, I'd never be able to do anything like this. At one point in my life, I could run a mile in 8 minutes, that doesn't sound like much to you, but for me having been a chubby fat computer geek - it was a big deal.

My goals for this challenge are:
  • To Lose Weight
  • Lower my Cholesterol
  • Be able to Run a Mile ( just run, even if it is 10 minutes!)
I was skinny for a good portion of my life, after my growth spurt, but once I gained weight in college, I just continued to balloon. So, now I am 30 years old and more than 100 pounds over-weight and I want to be healthy. I really want to change my life and I think this will work!

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