Quote of the Day

Friday, April 24, 2009

In Response to Caring

I had started this as a comment but it was getting too long so here it is...

I kind of joke (and I say "kind of" because I half mean it when I say it) with Chris and I say, "Food is love. I have always used food as an extension of my emotions - the good ones and the bad ones. I had to get up to 420 pounds to decide to do something and I still confuse food with love. Food keeps us alive - it gives us nutrition and keeps our bodies running. It's incredibly difficult to tell myself that I don't NEED that second pork chop at dinner or that whole box of chocolates.

I do still slip up. I ate a whole bag of caramel creams and ice cream twice last week. When I have a slip up like that, I make sure I (over)count all of the calories and I make sure to cut out other foods, or whole meals. No one can be perfect. I can't live my life denying myself everything but, what I do have to do is learn moderation and make sure that I properly account and plan for any indiscretions.

Aunt Ann - you are taking the right steps! You are seeing someone to help you with your problems and you are trying to diet and stay aware you of what you eat. I know you can do whatever you set your mind to!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and manages to stay stronger than the food.


Jess said...

i saw this lady on the Today show this morning who wrote a new diet book. she said "stop eating and start tasting." this really hit home for me because i spend my day eating and not really tasting.

Jess said...

i saw this lady on the Today show this morning who wrote a new diet book. she said "stop eating and start tasting." this really hit home for me because i spend my day eating and not really tasting.