Quote of the Day

Thursday, April 23, 2009


After reading Katie's comments I couldn't help but admire your guts to share your story. I love you more than you know and frankly are totally amazed at what you have accomplished. Your knowledge of food is incredible and I will never in my life understand what food really is. My weight is my own goof, I eat what i want when i want and that shows I don't care, I do but feel for some reason that it is punishment when I can't eat something. I am seeing a therapist to build my self-esteem. You obviously show great confidence maybe it is nside but it is there. Again I am so proud of you and hope our next time down we can have a few minutes to chat ourselves.
Ever lb. big or small you are sharing with all of us, you continue to encourage all of us, and it's our own fault if we cheat, because i just don't care at times. The treadmill is now sort of an enemy as I hurt my knee ( I was on my hands and knees for hours working outside) and now I am paying for itm, but I did enjoy doing it.

My goal over the weekend is to get on treadmill even slowly and starting thinking seriously about the bad things I put in my mouth.

Love especially to Katie first and then the rest of the family.


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