Quote of the Day

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Every Day Life

Hi everyone! It's been a while since I've blogged, and I'm kind of ashamed of my lack of effort. I've had many different thoughts and ideas, but never got a chance to sit down and actually put them into words. You know......the every day hustle and bustle. Plus my computer has been giving me problems, but I think I finally have it under control (my computer, that is. My life will never be under control....ha ha!)

Anyway, I reached my orignal goal a few weeks ago, and believe me, it's been much more difficult to stay motivated! I decided to lose an extra 5 pounds, but that little devil's voice inside of me keeps saying "you can eat more..you've already reached your goal". Plus lots of people (mostly overweight people) keep telling me I don't need to lose any more weight! I know I'm not overweight anymore, but I'm definately not skinny, and my doctor said that 5 more pounds wouldn't hurt me.

So what can I do?!?! Katie, your blogs are always inspiring! You are definately someone I look up to! Paula, your blogs are very helpful too! But I know that what I need to reach my final goal is inside of ME!! I need to pick up the pace in my exercise routine (which has been at a snail's pace), and get that little devil's voice out of my head!!! Wow, I'm beginning to sound like I'm mentally ill!!! Well, I guess in a way, I am. I keep doing things (like eating junk food and not exercising enough) to harm my body and my spirit! So let's get all those negative thoughts out of our heads and replace them with positive healthy thoughts!!! I think we should set a team goal. Let's have a week where EVERYONE has a loss. I know there's only one day until weigh in, so let's set our team goal for 05/04. Wouldn't that be a wonnderful accomplishment?!?!?!

1 comment:

Lulaangel7 said...

It will be tough...Godspell week and all...but Chris made me stickers for my journal and I am ready !!

Prepare ye the way for a weight loss !!
