Quote of the Day

Sunday, March 1, 2009

What did I learn in 24 weeks !!!!!! ????

I have learned.......

......that doing this in a group is much easier than trying to do this myself.

......that four apples is better for you than a whole bag of chips.

......that every day MUST start off with a breakfast, even if it is just a cup of tea and a banana.

......that I still think of myself at times at my max weight and surprise myself when I try on a new size of clothes and they fit. !!

......that it IS possible not to buy a snack in a vending machine for 24 weeks....Yippee for me....
this was one of my personal goals.....

.......that all the small weight losses add up to a big outcome.

.......that I could have done better and I know where to correct the things that I did wrong in the
first round.

.......that every food has a caloric count ...even the ones that are good for you....

.......nothing tastes a good a thinner feels....

......I am looking forward to round two....good luck to everyone who is joining us this time around
fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride...

Love you when I cant wait to begin anew.....oh yeah....I am up a bit for week 25....need a percentage advantage...

Paula Lula
Angel :0)


Katie said...

Im not trying to be a pain...but its the end of week 26.

Anonymous said...

There is always one person in the crowd to keep us in line. I am up a little this weekend. Mike has joined us for this adventure. Are all men more sensitive about talking about weight loss plans? He wants to lose but has growled at me when I gave him suggestions. I am backing off but I am doing the cooking and shopping. He has a physical coming up in April, that alone should help him stay on track.