Quote of the Day

Sunday, March 1, 2009

One door closes...

...and another one opens!

It's the end of Week 26 and Round 1. Onto Week 1 and Round 2. It's a bit bittersweet for me - it's always sad when something comes to an end but I am also really happy to have a whole new cast of characters joining us on this journey of a lifetime. So, I am going to be a copycat and do a list of things I've learned too because I hope it will help some of our newbies. It will also help me see how far I've come and how much farther I have left to go.

Here's what I've learned:
  • all you have to do is decide and just do it
  • I'm stronger (emotionally) than I thought I was
  • I'm not as strong (emotionally and physically) as I want to be
  • exercise makes a huge difference
  • count the calories in everything you eat
  • it's very simple - put out more calories than you put in and you WILL lose weight
  • exercise really makes a huge difference
  • drink lots of water
  • when I take a day off from salad, I miss it
  • don't deny yourself anything - just eat it in small amounts and make sure to count all the calories
  • even though you shouldn't deny yourself anything if you really MUST have it, fruits and vegetables are far more filling than two handfuls of chips
  • cook everyday - there should be no such thing as takeout in your house
  • not only will you lose weight but, you will save mone
  • plan ahead
  • your body will thank you
  • even though I hate it (and you probably will too), exercise makes a world of difference
Good Luck to everyone in Round 2! Congrats on making the decision to change your life!

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