Quote of the Day

Monday, March 9, 2009

Week 2 Results

It certainly was an exciting first week, overall the team lost 24.5 lbs for the week or 1/2 a percent. Chris and Katie are leading with their 12.8 lb loss, but Fran is right on their heels with her whopping 2.2%. Aunt Ann is very close to BIG new numbers, so wish her luck this week. Katie is also close to big new numbers as well. Mike and Jeanne found their stride. Aunt Eva had a really big week, but Sally messed it up for her. (Had to have the second helping of chicken fingers, didn't ya Sally?) Mom and Dad - well, we will leave that one alone. Becky and Greg - get back in the game!!! Bart, Bart, Bart - you fattie.

25 lbs down, how many more to go?

The goal is to NOT have a 2x4. Good luck to everyone this week. Eat Healthy, Move and Stay Positive.

1 comment:

Yvette said...

Great first week Fran! I knew you could do it! Congrats to everyone else that lost too! And for those that didn't.....it's a new week. "Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and start all over again".