Quote of the Day

Monday, March 16, 2009


Our poor neglected blog...

I know I am to blame too. I hope that just because everyone took a blogging vacation that they did not take a dieting vacation as well.

I know that there are a few competitors who actually are on vacation this week. Becky and Greg are in Florida with Show Choir and Ann is in Florida watching the Red Sox at Spring Training. Now, just because we go on vacation from work and our day to day routines doesn't mean we can't make smart decisions. Lula said this morning, "Remember, dieting doesn't happen just at the kitchen table."

Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Eat a salad with light dressing at dinner. Have a baked potato instead of fries or mashed - and I promise, the baked potato really does taste good without anything on it. Walk to your destination instead of taking a cab or a bus.

This is a lifelong change we are trying to make. Our new habits should come with us everywhere we go. There should be no need to abandon this part of our life in search of a "good time" or a "break". We don't need food to have fun!

1 comment:

Katie said...

P.S. - That is a picture from Chris's and my trip to Puerto Rico last year. That is looking out the door to our patio and right beyond the patio was the beach.

Wish I was back there... :-)