Quote of the Day

Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 8 Results

I've been thinking a lot about goal setting recently. I write down a goal to lose 5 pounds every week in my planner so that I see it every day. I gave myself the goal to lose 60 pounds before the end of this round in December. I know that I have more than 60 pounds to lose in all but it's so important to break things up into achievable goals, otherwise the whole task is daunting and you don't even want to try so you're setting yourself up to fail. I don't always hit my 5 pound goal in the week but if I see it and focus on it, the goal remains top of mind and I'm less likely to slip up. Angie and Paula both gave themselves a goal for week - great job, ladies! Does anyone else set weekly goals? What were your goals for the challenge? Please share - I'd love to talk about this with all of you!

On to results. Great job last week to everyone! All but 2 people lost weight and thats amazing. Even if you lost a little, it all counts.

Biggest loser of the week is Chris - way to go babe! 7.9 pounds is awesome and your passion this week was inspiring. Keep it up!

Biggest opportunity for a comeback next week - Bob and Katie. We both gained weight last week and that's unacceptable. I know for me that my appetite came back last week after being sick so I definitely ate more than I should have on many occasions.

Here's to a great week this week! I hope everyone is feeling better soon. Lets get kick some ass and take some names!


Chris said...

Write down your goal.
Accept that you will achieve it.
Work on it - everyday.

Lulaangel7 said...

YES ...just read this ..that is what I will do ....TODAY !!!