Quote of the Day

Monday, January 24, 2011

Very Frustrated

I am getting very discourage.. I know it wont happen over night but NOTHING.. Come on you cant tell me that 1 donut this week made so I lost nothing... oh and the piece of pizza.. What about all the spinach and salad and chicken breast and asparagus and cabbage and eggplant and the No Carbs for a whole week....why was it so easy a couple of years ago..I eat better.. I lost weight... So jonathan and I are going to play the wii dance today after school because excersize will help and we cant walk write know...because I have to get this weight off my hip and knee before disney and I want to be healthier.Its just very frustrating and I had to get it off my chest..So thank you fro having this blog so I can vent.. I guess its time to break out the colorful markers stickers and paper again....... and

Love you all no matter how big you are
just want everone to be healthy

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