Quote of the Day

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Make sure your Rose Colored Glasses are Always Handy...

This morning both Katie and Mom had a very unfair surprise. They were both excellent healthy dieters yesterday. They didn't eat sweets. They didn't eat takeout. They did 20 minutes of Just Dance. When they woke up, they stepped on the scale, and, UGH, they gained weight.
Look, these things are going to happen. It is just how it is. Our body goes through cycles and who knows what happens with water and how much salt we eat and how full our stomachs are. Day to day weight is a tough battle to always win - even if we are perfect.
This is when it is time for your rose colored glasses. Put them on and the world looks different. I'm not saying to be blissfully ignorant of reality, but the fact is that thoughts drive emotions. I will give you an example. Read this list of words, and really read it outloud slowly and think about each word:
Misery, Cold, Pain, Heartache, Lonely, Fear, Frustration, Conflict, Anger, Hurt, Jealousy, Ugly, Bully, Fight, Agony, Isolation, Sad, Insecure, Hate, Fat, Lazy, Sick
Why are you frowning? What images came to mind? Now try this:
Happy, Cheerful, Sunshine, Bright, Lucky, Pretty, Strong, Brave, Proud, Smart, Peace, Love, Smile, Baby, Sweetie, Cutie, Playful, Harmony, Hugs, Supportive, Winner, Overcome, Victory
Words are very powerful - the reason we have language is because we are creatures of thought and reason. You have your minds' eye and minds' word. You can talk to yourself - you do it all the time. We think in words. Of course we can picture things - think right now about a smiling baby, or a bright red balloon. You can see them. Think right now about a rainy day, or a mudslide. You can see, hear, feel, smell and think inside your head.
If anybody cares about how this works, just know that the thalmus, or the area of your brain that governs what you see and hear and smell and feel is not one way streets, it can be fed directly from your optic nerve and other sensory input locations, or it can be fed from your neocortex.
Do not underestimate how powerful this is. My mom says, "you head in the direction you think." I believe that to be very true. So, if you are feeling down, think happy thoughts, put on an uplifting song. Sometimes it feels good to wallow in self pity, to put on some downer music, to watch a movie that makes your cry - but that's the problem - it makes you cry, it brings you down. Think happy thoughts. Wear bright colors. Surround yourself with positive energy. Keep your house clean, keep your room cheery.
You control how you feel. Happiness is not having everything you want, or having everything be the way you want. Happiness is how you feel about your world. You get to choose. Try it.

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