Quote of the Day

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Poor Toe

I like to work out, well, I like THAT I work out. My toe started hurting a while back and it hasn't gotten any better. Well I went to the doctor the other day and I got new drugs and they seem to be working. I haven't gone to the gym this week and I think I am just making excuses. I also have a pain in my back left flank. I am not sure why but I want to eat pizza and chinese food and bad stuff and I can't find my motivation to go to the gym. I will go to the gym soon, maybe not today, but definately soon. Hope you are all making good food choices.


Jess said...

Sorry to hear you are feeling crappy. I've been having this weird hip pain thing but I still went to the gym and did arm stuff with weights. Yeah, it's not cardio but it's building muscle which helps your body burn calories more efficiently. Don't skip the gym just do what you can do! Good luck.

Yvette said...

Excellent advice Jess! I know I can find every excuse in the book for not working out, but when I do work out, I feel much better! All we have to do is listen to our bodies and either work thru or around our aches and pains.

Gwen said...

Hey Chris,
Did you read my no excuses blog entry? There are a million excuses to be made. But it is up to us to rise above it and prove to ourselves that we can do it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to be so blunt however my toe hurts, my back hurts better yet my whole body hurts. The reason why??? Because I am FAT !!!! But I got out and walked today and I chose not to think of chinese food and pizza. Rather I did my walk and feel more accomplished. Pain will always be there and there is nothing that is going to stop the pain so stop using it as an excuse.


amy said...

ohh yaa and you will not be cottled im sure i spelt it wrong too