Quote of the Day

Saturday, August 1, 2009

And I was doing good

I have been sitting here for the past 5 minutes trying to figure out what I can write that is inspiring and I have got nothing. I do not understand why when I look at my self in the mirror I cant stand to see someone so unhealthy and fat... So why is it when I go to work and I have already eaten supper I have a candy bar or a snack of some sort... and why when I am eating it I say to myself this is not good for you ... but I do it anyway...... Then I tell myself everyday okay buy a healthy snack like a plum or something.. and the stupid bad snack gets me anyways...... So why do I do this to myself.. Everyday when I get out of the shower or look in the mirror I say okay I am going to do better today and I don't so then I feel guilty and like a failure everyday. I was doing so well a year ago. WHAT HAPPENED........... I know you all do not have the answer but I just needed to get it off my chest...I hope today is a good day... I have had only 1 cup of coffee and a bagel with peanut butter (I know that's not good but its better then the left over Chinese I was going to have).. So if I start to post a lot about me not doing well that day I am sorry, I don't mean to be a downer........ but......Thank you all for listening to me and for inspiring
me even when I don't notice it......


Lulaangel7 said...

No magic answers here...working in a grocery store is really hard...but they sell fruit also...and veggies..you like Tomatos soon the garden will be full of them...I can only tell you about me...some days at work are harder than others..but I have not allowed myself to eat any food from the vending machine..it is almost a year now and it still calls out my name in the afternoon..even now....I just want to see my grandbabies grow up...that is why I am trying to be healthy..hang in there kid...if you need to post everyday just to keep it in your mind that you are trying..remember that you are not alone we are all in this together..
Love you with a big hug..
MOM :0)

michael said...

I am right there with you. I was doing good this week and then the weekend came. I am up a few pounds and I am not sure how the rest fo this week is going to be...got friends coming in from Holland...trying to see what I can do...good luck and hang in there...It is worth the fight!
