Quote of the Day

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I try to go to the gym every day. I do not make it every time I want to go. I run, or do the stair master, or lift weights. The other day I did a 45 minute spinning class. (spinning = riding a stationary bike with somebody screaming at you to go faster) Anyway, today I am sore. My toe hurts (its swollen) and all of my arm and chest muscles are sore because I lifted weights yesterday. Today, my boss was going to gym and asked me to go, I wanted to say no. I really did not want to go. I am in pain, it is raining, it is a lazy day before a long weekend, but I went. Somehow I found strength way down in me to pick myself up and go to the gym.

So, why did I do that? This morning my weigh in was terrible, because I ate ham last night (wow, it was good though) and because I lifted weights. Every time I lift weights the next day my lbs are up a bit. I went because I have to. I went because I need to lose weight. I went because I know that I am still obese. I am still a fat person. I have made progress but I am not yet done. I went because tonight is date night and I will be eating dinner out. I went because I want to live longer. I went because I care about myself and want to take care of myself. I went because I feel good after I exercise.

My point is that every one of you had a real and valid reason you've decided to join our challenge. When you feel week, think of that reason. Why do you want to be more healthy? Is it to look good? To feel better? To live longer?

Last story. The other day I was coming up to the exit on the Mass Pike and I had my $1.10 in my hand. (I know, get an EZ-PASS, problem is on the 291 exit in the morning, EZ-PASS is slow than the manual lanes.) Anyway, I dropped the dime on the floor. It wouldn't be so bad if I had had another dime in my door, but I did not. Terror struck me and I thought at the prospect of reaching on the floor. I look down and see the dime glisten in the sunlight (honest, there was sun at that time) and it is a bit away from me. I reach down and pick it up and I am absolutely shocked. You may wonder why I am shocked. I was shocked because I could touch the floor with my hand. When I was at my max weight - I couldn't even pick things up off of the FLOOR of the car without getting out. So, next time you feel weak, or want a candy bar, just take TWO seconds to think about why you want to lose weight and that should be enough to get you off the bridge.

1 comment:

Yvette said...

It's all those little things that add up to success! I hope everyone is having a good week and not letting this weather get you down. I'm still plugging away in spite of everything. I refuse to give up! I finally got back to exercising this week, and it sure felt good! I haven't done a good kickboxing workout, but hope to ease back into that next week. Right now I need to take baby steps forward to regain my strength. Maybe if I get a life size picture of a certain person and tape it to my kickboxing bag, I'd get a great workout!!!! No, I'd probably hurt myself or have a heart attack! Anyway, I'm hoping my number is at least .5 down on Monday. That's my goal. Like I said....baby steps for now.