Quote of the Day

Monday, July 13, 2009

Cleaning House


I lost 3.5 last week and figured it would be okay if I gave myself a little treat this morning so I decided to have two cold crab rangoons and two cold chicken fingers. This slowly turned into 3 chicken fingers, 5 crab rangoons and a chicken wing. All fried, so probably 150-200 calories apiece. So as a rough estimation, I should be done eating for today.

I am the type of person that can't have temptation in front of them. If it's in the house, I want to eat it. Some people like having junk around so they are able to say no to it -it empowers them. I'm not that strong yet.

It's a new week - eliminate the temptation! Do something different this week! Sally and I are going to start going to the YMCA and taking classes this week. We're hoping we'll be able to get Paula to join us - we will be going in the early evening for a class at 6pm for anyone who would like to join us.


Jess said...

Good for you Katie! I still can't seem to stay away from my vending machine. Had a Caramello at 10am today and dying to go back this afternoon for something sweet. Urgh.

Katie said...

Don't do it - be strong! Don't let the vending machine rule your life!!