Quote of the Day

Friday, July 31, 2009

52 and feeling new. ?????

So why do we do what we do...sometimes I ask myself this ....often....and I think....I don't really know....what I do know is that I want to be here when all the grand kids go to school..graduate...fall in love....have a child....get married....buy a car....start a business...travel..or any of their grand adventures that they will have in the future..and I want to be part of it...no they don't need to include me...but I want to see their faces when an important decision has to be made..when they have won a battle...or have gotten their gold star...I want to see it all or at least as much of it as I can share...I just want to be there in their lives to see them succeed so I need to take care of me and do what I need to do to stay healthy...for them but most importantly for me.
It is almost one year since this whole weight thing began, I have lost over 40 lbs or so not sure exactly where I had started. Prior to the weight loss challenge I was at my high of 228 lbs and now this morning I am at 172. That is no small feat. but it has been fun, and it has also been a learning experience for me...I know that I can have treats now and then...just not everyday....and I am not starving or deprived...I am healthy.....and I want to live a good life without pain....( I don't like pain)
things that have changed for me this past year......

..... I can wrap myself up after a shower in a single bath towel ( one of my goals)
.....I can get out of bed, off of the couch, or off of the floor without crawling to a chair
......I can tie my sneakers with out getting chest pains from holding my breath
.....I can buy any kind of clothing that I want in the store and find my size...even off of the sales rack.
......I can stop at a handful of potato chips
......I still need to take all my meds..but I feel much better and am working on the blood pressure
it may not be a weight thing but a heredity thing.
......I have not gone to the vending machine since this whole thing started...think of the money I saved. !!!!
...... I like myself (that is a big one)

So don't give up...and don't stress ...just let this become LIFE.....make good nutrition and exercise part of your daily routine..and no matter what anyone tells you....don't listen...do it for YOU and you alone...a happy you makes happy people all around you...

this post doesn't make much sense but it is what I am feeling in my drug induced state...surgery went well...now I just need to recover.
Love you with a little boo boo and looking for a bog bandaid.
Paula Lula Angel :0)
" I am stuck on bandaids and bandaids stuck on me " la la la la la

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